For this project I needed to produce 3 photographs that show rectangles. It is very difficult to get perfect rectangles as if the camera is not exactly square on to the shot and level, lines will converge thus producing lines at an angle rather than square.
I decided that this would be better demonstrated if I produced two that are perfect rectangles, and one that, on first glance, looks like a rectangle but does in fact have converging lines.
The first is of a shop window divided into two rectangles.
The second, at Stonehenge is made up of a number of different rectangles.
Whilst the third, looks at first glance to be a rectangle, but this is because we all know a door is a rectangle
However, with red lines added, it becomes obvious that I was not exactly square on to the door, and was slightly to the right, making the right side of the door slightly longer than the left.
This is a lesson well learnt, as I took some time composing this shot, and at the time, thought I had it as a good rectangle.
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