Saturday, 6 June 2009

Project 9

Showing the amount of view taken in when using different focal lengths. These shots were taken in Whitby and was a scene I spotted from an open upstairs window in a shop.

This first shot was taken with a focal length of 28mm at f6.3, 1/1250 second. The view is much wider than the human eye and as such, it is clearly the buildings of a harbour side town.


The second shot had a focal length of 90mm, still at f6.3 and 1/1250 second. This a little closer than standard (Standard being 60mm on my camera), and begins to show more detail of the specific block of buildings on the harbour side. People can be seen outside the building.


The third had a focal length of 300mm and the same f.stop and shutter speeds. This is now a shot of a specific building with people sitting at tables and seats along the harbour side.


It is hard to decide which of these shots is preferable as I think they each tell a different story. In the first shot, the viewer is able to gauge the size of the town and its setting. The second still shows the setting in that the water is visible, however there is less information regarding the town. The third is completely different in that it is a view of people relaxing in the sunshine, and only the wall and wooden beams give the impression it is a quayside. So in this instance, changing the focal length has changed the entire subject of the picture.

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